Daily Journal – Playing turn LT30/T2

I am now playing 3rd turn of Longturn LT30.

I started my turn by moving my explorers again. Exploring the world is one of my favorite activities while playing Freeciv.

I haven’t seen other nations yet. This map seems to be really huge. It’s actually bigger map than our latest Finnish game (FI2011) had — and it was really big map, too.

I also founded my fourth city this turn. Liverpool added one scientist more to help research. It’s now three turns until I get Pottery — total of 16 bulbs/turn and I have 16/56 already done.

Because of the science boost my cities don’t produce much shields or food but I’m sure I need Granary before I let them grow and to build more Workers. While I wait for the Pottery I started to build roads and irrigations.

That was all for today’s turn. Tomorrow more!